Healthy cultures around the world eat a strikingly similar diet based on
90% plant:10% animal food (Dr. Gordon Tessler, The Genesis Diet):
Compare an optimal diet to the Standard American Diet which gets 70% of its calories
from animal foods (meat and dairy):
50% whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds
30% vegetables
10% fruit
6% dairy
4% meat, fowl, fish
the last 30% of the S.A.D. is made up largely of refined grains instead of whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Note that at the tippy bottom of the triangle are vegetables. If you ask all the people you know how many eat just ONE vegetable a day (instead of the 7-9 daily servings many experts recommend) about half would say "no", and many more ask, "Don't McDonald's french fries count as a vegetable?" The American diet is not just out-of-balance--
we have flipped the triangle!!!
There are many ways to eat an optimal diet--
enjoy the blessing of food!
Optimal Diet