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     Americans have focused ad nauseam on low-fat diets.  Now overwhelming evidence indicates that it is the
type of fat that matters, not the amount.  Traditional Greeks, arguably the healthiest people on the planet measured by low rates of premature mortality, eat a 40% fat diet based predominantly on olive oil.  Americans are shocked to hear that such a “high” fat diet actually lowers triglycerides.  In recent years the American Heart Association has “tweaked” its recommendation from 20 to 30% fat.  The National Cholesterol Education Program’s cholesterol-lowering diet has been revised to 25-35% fat with an emphasis on plant fat.

God tells us repeatedly in Leviticus 3 to give all the fat of the animal to Him, summarizing:
All the fat is the LORD’s.
     “’This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live: You must not eat any fat or any blood.’” 
Leviticus 3:16b-17
When we avoid animal fat and eat vegetable fat it has a positive effect on our LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. 

From Genesis 1:
“. . . God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.  They will be yours for food.”  Genesis 1:29
God says He gave plants to eat and to give the animal fat to Him and all the science in the world won’t change that dietary recommendation.

This has been a Nutrition Bite with Registered Dietitian Diane Preves. 
For more information visit or call (631) 704-6977.

Nutrition Bite 3

Dietary Fat (Animal & Plant)

Welcome to Nutrition Bites
with Registered Dietitian Diane Preves, developer of the 10-week N.E.W. LIFE program,
author of
Restoring the Blessing and Diet Book Reviews.

Does a low-fat diet prevent heart disease?